We like Setswana very much - Re rata Setswana thata
ke rata Setswana thata - I like setswana very much
Are you a builder? – A o moagi?
No, I'm not a builder - Nnyaa, ga ke moagi.
We are not cooks – Ga re baapei
We are nurses. – Re dinnese
ke tsa ko Japan. Ke nna mo Gaborone.
We help the sick in the hospital – Re thusa balwetsi mo sepateleng.
The boys are going to school – Basimane ba ya (ko/kwa) sekweleng/sekolong
The girls are helping the parents – Basetsana ba thusa batsadi
The doctors are treating the sick – Dingaka di alafa balwetsi
shake shake - chibiku ( traditional beer)
The Minister is in the church – Moruti o mo kerekeng.
He is teaching the people – O ruta batho.
The food is on the table – Dijo di mo tafoleng
The nurses are coming from Francistown - Dinnese di tswa ko Francistown.
The people are coming from the church – Batho ba tswa ko kerekeng.
The chairs are in the kitchen – Ditilo di mo khicheneng.
The industrious people are helping the builders to build the school – Dinatla di thusa baagi go aga sekwele.
The sick people feel the pains – Balwetsi ba utlwa ditlhabi.
The nurses refuse to help - Dinnese di gana go thusa
The sick people feel the pains but the nurses do not refuse to help. – Balwetsi ba utlwa ditlhabi mme dinnese ga di gane go thusa.
If you keep doing that, I can't continue the lesson. Ga re dira jalo, ga ke kgona go ruta.
Ga le dira jalo, ga ke kgone go ruta.
Ga o dira jalo, ga ke kgona go ruta – If you keep doing that, I can't teach(continue the lesson)
Ontlhokela botho
Se bue jalo– Don't speak like that
Tswetswe se bue jalo…don't say that please.
O ntlhokela botho – You are not showing me respect.
Ke go tlhoka botho – You are not showing me respect(less confrontational)
A lo tla itsaya sentle …. 大人しく出来るの?
thupa ボツワナの学校には体罰がありました、主に木の枝をムチのように使うのですがそれをthupaといいます。 一応、現在はこの体罰はしてはいけないということになっているようです。
Ke kopa o nkemele – Please stop for me
Ga kae? – Where?
Ha - here
Nkemela mo stoppong
emma mo stoppong
A o a utlwa – are you listening? understanding?
wareng ? ga kere sepe