
チャットは特になしでした。 途中、

この文章のでの太字のaはなんだろう?them よね?という疑問が出てきて、ke a go rata (I love you)と同じような「a」ではないかという意見もありましたが、ke a go rata のaは主語がkeの場合にしか使えないということでした。

ンポは再帰用法動詞の左に代名詞を置くのパターンではないかと思ったのですが結局謎のままです。実はこのページ再帰用法代名詞と指示代名詞は少し、まとめが中途半端で、Setswana Grammar Manualにはもう少し説明がありました。その中に、指示代名詞の表があります。

この中のClass3と7の複数形に注目してください。なんと指示代名詞は「a」です!! 今回のレッスンではクラス3と7の単語が課題でしたね!



That example can have multiple different forms too;
  1. Le tla a bolaya = You guys will kill them. [“a” here is for some words in group 3 and 7 in plural form e.g. magodu(thieves), maphoi (pigeons) etc]
  2. Le tla ba bolaya = You guys will kill them. [“ba” here is for group 1 words in plural e.g. basimane, banyana, baruti]
  3. Le tla mo bolaya = You guys will kill him/her. [“mo” here is for group 1 singular words e.g. motho, mosimane, modisa.
  4. Le tla e bolaya = You guys will kill it. [“e” here being group 5 singular words e.g. kgomo, koko, noga, test (you guys will kill the test i.e. will do well on the test.) Or koloi (you guys will destroy the car)]

Sentences like these are said when the subject of discussion is understood by noth parties...but sometimes to avoid confusion and or emphasise you can add the thing you are talking about to the sentence at the end after the verb;

  1. Le tla a bolaya magodu.
  2. Ke tla mo dumedisa Mpho. (I will great him, him who? Mpho!)
  3. Ke tla e bolaya test. (I will do well on some test, including the one we are talking about)
  4. Ke tla e bolaya test e (I will do well on this particular test); the last “e” is like “the” in English; choosing 1 thing out of many similar things. I like tea vs I like the tea (the tea you served me or the brand we talked about) ps this “the” changes based on group as well for group 1 it is “o/yo” (Ke tla mo thusa motho o/yo = I will help this person).